Wednesday 14 July 2010

Taz wonders how Norwegian dogs go to the toilet up there?!*

Wednesday 14th July Hardangar Fjord

Finally found a site with wifi – not only that but we can get NCIS on our sat dish. "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" Stunning scenery, just one concern: the group of tents in the corner look like they belong to a junior school trip. Wouldn’t want to be their teacher trying to get them to sleep at night when it stays light til all hours!

Won’t try and fill in all we’ve done since last post. Just a few updates……

Compare and contrast

The look on the English woman’s face in the Bobil park (campervan park – I love being a bobiler) at Oslo marina when I offered her Trainspotting in return for her Catherine Cookson book. But I did point out they are both gritty northern dramas.

When I took over the OK magazine that Caroline had brought out she looked mighty relieved and said “Oh I will read that!”

Tick off the list

Varingfoss waterfall coming down from the Hardanger Glacier – with beautiful rainbow colours playing across the rocks because it was so sunny.

Weird and wonderful

1. Coming back from a walk into town with Taz and meeting a woman going the other way taking her sheep for a walk. Sad thing was she thought Taz was freaky cos of his lumps.

2. Satnav took us to a deserted sawmill up an unmade road instead of a campsite and on the way we had to drive round a young girl of about 9 standing in the middle of the road wearing a grey fleece romper suit with absolutely no expression on her face. Very Deliverance.

Stone me

Driving round a fjord saw a beach full of stone cairns. Obviously everyone who stopped had made one. Is there a White one – but of course.

1 comment:

  1. Julie, so glad you weren't lying on your back in the sculpture park!!

    Lindsey xx
