Tuesday 6 July 2010

Taz needs to learn that certain bodily functions are not acceptable when sharing small living spaces

Tuesday 6th July - Alingsas
Caught up with Caroline in Goteborg today just long enough to get the gin, Branston and magazines. In the train on the way in we had debated whether we could read a magazine quickly enough on the way back to use it to dip in the pickle (washed down with gin of course) or if we should buy some cheese to dip in it - much more sophisticated. In the end we had to run to catch the train (not easy with bags of booze and gossip) and it took most of the journey for us to recover enough to think about food. Maybe the fish and chips we had for lunch came into it too.

Lovely to see Caroline but she did let the side down by commenting on how much weight David has lost and just telling me I looked well. Need to indoctrinate her into the ways of the sisterhood. But it was really lovely to see her. We're just waiting now to see if she will get any free time tomorrow to meet up for a bit longer.

Bodily functions? Taz is still adapting to the Swedish diet and apart from having to use an average of 7 poo bags a day we are occasionally woken during the night by poisonous smells drifting from his "bedroom".

Bit of a slip up with the photo. The sun was so strong (at 7pm) that I couldnt see to position the laptop camera to include the sauna in the lake behind. It can be so challenging some days.

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