Tuesday 20 July 2010

Taz always uses a porter when undertaking train journies

Tuesday 21st July - Stryn in Nordfjord

Norway – breathtakingly beautiful but wearingly wet – guess those waterfalls have to get filled up somehow.

At another camp with stunning views but they’re filtered through rain as usual, but hey! we’ll take the Scandinavian approach and go for a walk whatever the weather.

The difference between Swedish ad Norwegian campsites seems to be that in Norway there are lots of teeny tiny tents and everyone wears hiking gear all the time. And there are never many showers – this campsite is lovely but only 2 showers each for men and women. Having said that they are always empty. Since we don’t make it to the shower block much before 10 that could be why, or maybe it’s because it costs £1 a shower. Why worry about being stuck indoors in the rain, there’s always something to think about. Especially helpful now we have finished the puzzle section in Closer magazine. We struggled with Spot the Difference between the photos of the Osbornes but I flew through the 90210 Word Search once I found the list that told you the cast names to look for.

Stocked up on food before leaving Sweden and had a very nice tin of Felix one night whilst watching some Danish people struggling to put up their tent in the rain and wind. Pretty sure it wasn’t cat food but not sure whether it was veggie or what.

That was on the “Adventure Road” which leads eventually (after “adventures”) to Bergen. David particularly enjoyed staying there as our Turkish neighbour told him his wife thought he looked like a movie star. Bit dangerous this as David wears his sunglasses all the time and now refuses to take them off even when going through tunnels – and we have driven through one that was 25km long and very badly lit!

In Bergen we took the tram up above the city and had a nice walk in the rain – we even gave directions to another couple a few mins before getting lost ourselves. (Tee hee) Did put us a bit on edge in case they followed us through the off-piste marsh lands that we are now old hands at. When we found a hut to shelter in we stopped for lunch and enjoyed watching some sheep harassing a dog. His owner resorted to hiding with the dog behind a tree but the sheep just waited for them to come out.

David is brushing up on his language skills. On the bus back from Bergen he asked the driver if he would let us know when we were at our campsite stop. He came back looking content with the answer but on sitting down told me the driver had said “ej coco” and he wasn’t sure if that meant yes or eff off. Was it the answer he wanted? Ej coco.

Then we headed north up roads that made sat nav look like the zig zag section on my sewing machine pattern selector. Stunning views round every bend. We stopped at a pretty town called Flam to take a train trip up the mountain – more stunning views. The train stopped at a waterfall where two girls danced mysteriously in front of the water as in a folk legend. Hope they were paid a fortune to twirl around in front of all that cold water. And the Turkish woman must have had second sight. This Autumn somewhere in Japan a family will be watching a film that includes footage of David scooping pooh off a railway platform on top of a mountain. The Japanese guy seemed to find it hilarious.

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