Saturday 26 June 2010

Taz hearts Swedish dog food

Midsummer Day, June 26th Hallstahammar

Is it wrong to covet plastic goods? We are on the way to being a target for earth savers with the amount of plastic we are collecting. It seems to be the in-thing to have a special plastic container for everything caravan/campervan over here. I have tracked down my special folding plastic crate for carrying the washing up to the trough, my plastic basket for the laundry, we have plastic shoes for the showers and I'm trying to find where they all buy their plastic baskets to take to the washrooms ( I currently use a plastic Waitrose bag). It has reached the point that when we were in a camping shop David and I chorused "thats a nice plastic bucket" when we spotted a pile of them.

Its probably all a reaction to natural things, after getting lost yet again (sigh) last night in a nature reserve I'm beginning to shake whenever I see a sign for anything to do with nature.

really good day yesterday - Midsummer eve. Its a really big thing here in Scandinavia so we asked at reception and were signposted to an event 10k away. Off we toddled on our bikes and found it was being held at an open air agricultural museum. Really lovely, all kids and many adults had flower wreathes and there was dancing and singing round a kind of maypole. We joined in, of course, even tho we might have been praying to the antichrist of plastic containers for all we knew. The museum bit was good too and they had 2 special exhibitions on: 199 ways to trap a mouse and miniature Swedish outhouses! Overload of culture. So apart from managing to get lost on our evening walk - I am sooo over getting lost, again it was a lovely day.

Now planning our next move around somewhere with either a sports bar or signal for Turkish Tv so we can watch footie and easy access to Fiat dealer as we have a warning light on engine. David is torn between finding somewhere that Germans are staying in in the event we win or an empty field with good sat TV in case we lose!


  1. I definitely need new glasses; what on earth is that picture (no, not the one with the pretty Swedish kids - I know what they are)?
    Has David been making tank models out of cheese again?

  2. Hi Mary-Helen - just keep up at the back of the class - its exhibit 20 from 199 ways to catch a mouse of course.
    By the way please thank your work colleague for her tip about slicing and freezing unused lemon halves for g and ts. We only have a tiny ice box but its big enough to squeeze in those slices for those important little details. And i havent taken my eye off the ball ref those toyboys. In fact the aforementioned g and ts seem to help me concentrate. But no one good enough to knock Jacques off his perch yet! x
