Thursday 3 June 2010

Taz adds to the shopping list

Thursday 3rd June, Malmo

Another country, another language. Took a few dodgy days in Denmark to work out that the “enstrette” signs pointed to a one way street and not, as David interpreted, the High Street. The Danes asked Carol for more consonants, but the Swedes have gone for “new vowels, please Carol”. Still we worked out enough to successfully buy 300 more poo bags for Taz. Less successful was this morning’s cup of tea. I thought David’s looked a bit curdled, we’d bought yoghurt instead of milk. Never mind, there was enough old milk for my cup (priorities, priorities).

Had a look around Malmo today. Nice city. Looks like school kids celebrate end of year the same way all over (first photo).

Was a bit worried about getting David back in one piece. He was a little too intent on checking out whether or not absolutely all the adshells displayed women in very little clothing.

1 comment:

  1. How can you mx up milk and yoghurt??!! They come in different containers and sizes??!!
    Separate item - can you recommend any websites for lighting? I want new lights for the dining room and can't find anything I like. Hopw the travels continue to go well. Any chance that wine is cheaper in this new country?
