Monday 14 June 2010

Taz has been practising his defensive moves in case he gets a call from Fabio

Monday 14th June Orust Island

I know why the old lady swallowed a fly. She was cycling uphill gasping for air. (memo to self: try to find a non-sticky lip balm for cycling)

This is a lovely part of Sweden. We’ve done lots of cycling round the island and the stunning views go along way towards compensating for the hills. I thought David was being very gallant when he said “after you” whenever there was a car behind us, but then I realised it meant that I was always the one having to pull ahead on a hill. After that we had a very sticky couple of minutes exchanging several “after you”s and “no, after you”s on a long hill with a lorry trying to overtake. We discovered there is a new gear on our bikes after first: walking.

Its very odd visiting all these lovely spots when everything is closed. Apparently it all goes mad after midsummer (26th) but at the moment it feels like we’re having a bit of a sneak pre-view.

Think we’ve only spoken to one other British couple since we crossed into Denmark. The Swedish couple we sat next to when we watched the football didn’t even recognise the English flag. Guess they only see the Union Jack. Don’t know why Sweden isnt more popular with Brits. Stunning scenery, lots to do and not as expensive as France. It is a little bit Stepford Wives tho and the birds are very cheeky.

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