Friday 10 September 2010

Taz is inspired by the French to apply for his driver's license

Friday 10th September - Le Vigan

Sitting in the evening gloom with a lovely view of the toilet block as we wait for our van to dry out. Its Friday but not the 13th so dont know why it all went wrong. We were at a lovely campsite with fantastic views - we climbed to the top of the peak in the photo yesterday. But when we arrived at the campsite we had to have a run up because the approach road to the site was so steep. Unfortunately when we slid back down today (backwards cos we couldnt turn round in the mud) the back of the van ground into the asphalt and we got stuck half way across the road. So we emptied all the fresh water we had just taken on and took everything out of the boot to see if that would lift the back out of the road (literally). As we emptied the boot water started to pour in!! We had switched on the taps and the sink was overflowing inside the van. But some kind cyclists stopped and helped to push the van back up the road so we could have another go and we managed to escape (having gouged a hole out of the road)
We stopped off to get the tyres changed - bit of a smell of burning rubber hanging around - and headed off south again.
We found a site with wifi and opened all the doors and windows to try and dry out. Unfortunately the only sunny spot is right opposite the toilet block. Rather a different view from last nights. Handy tho. But then I managed to blow the electrics - why did i have to use the vacuum cleaner, I'm on holiday for goodness sake. David tried everything he could think of including pouring the g and ts so we could sit outside and leave the electricity fairies to it. We did our bit and drank the g and ts but the leccy still isnt working. Never mind, we have the boxed set of NCIS season 2 to watch and there's a hypermarket round the corner.
Hard to believe maybe but it never crossed my mind when David and I got married that 25 years later I would hear him exclaim in high excitement “that’s an interesting plastic bowl!” (Well it was pretty interesting actually, it was a washing up bowl with a plughole) Life is such a roller coaster isn’t it?

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