Friday 17 September 2010

Taz gets tired of old ruins

Friday 17th September – Carcassonne

Phew, made it to the safe haven of a campsite after a night with no electricity or water, its amazing how quickly you can move on in the mornings when there’s no way of having a wash or shower.

On our way to Carcassonne we stopped first at Pezenas, an old town with a medieval centre well worth a visit, then carried on to Lagrass, a village that styles itself one of the most beautiful villages in France (with the most self-satisfied and self-deluded villagers). It is very old and everything was very shut and the van seemed to catch the general malaise and the electrical bits ran themselves down to the point that we couldn’t even run the taps. But we’ve splashed out on a campsite right on the edge of Carcassonne and we’re going to stay here and until we’re bored of having lights, telly (yes that’s back on), running water and hot showers. They might have lived in lovely villages but those medievallers sure missed out on the good things in live: NCIS, plastic goods, internet........

PS anyone - why dont the French stock cheddar cheese when they sell plastic cheeses like Edam?

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