Sunday 15 August 2010

Taz turns the whole camp against us

Sunday 15th August - Munster, Germany

There are a lot of rules in Germany and we seem to be breaking most of them! I just tried to check the blog but it's "nicht erlaubter inhalt/content not allowed". Didnt realise I lead such a racy life!

Friday 13th - it really is a day to avoid. We needed shopping, a haircut for me (was still struggling to find a hairdressers that was open) and wanted to have a quick look at Lubeck. So we found a campsite and had lunch, sorted Taz and set off. All good but then when we got back Taz was barking, something must have disturbed him and boy did he make sure we knew it. There was a note on our table accusing us of cruelty, a guy came round a read the riot act saying Taz should be with us at all times, we weren't fit to have a dog and we had upset the enitre camp and just as we stopped reeling long enough to sit down to a restorative cup of tea, the receptionist came round to say there had been a complaint about us letting Taz foul the campsite (as she was speaking he gave a demonstration). Wow! It was horrible, we did feel bad that he had been upset but he usually sleeps most of the day. We were really shaken by it all but Taz sailed serenely through, oblivious to all the bad vibes coming our way.

As for my haircut - German centimetres are like Swedish miles. They're not really centimetres more like inches. So when I bargained the hairdresser down to 2 centimetres off my hair rather than the 4 she suggested I saved myself from a buzzcut. Still, she thought it was a lot better when she finished.

Given up trying to load a photo - it was obviously deemed not appropriate. Must shake this nasty habit of taking pictures of little puppies and Christmas shops.

1 comment:

  1. Not nice!

    (When I went to post the above, my word verification was "prickskin" - hmmmm .....
