Sunday 30 May 2010

Rainy days and Sundays always get Taz down

Thursday 27th May to Monday 30th May

Just arrived in Wonderful Wet and Windy Copenhagen. Keeping a low profile for a while (in Taz and David’s case that means sleeping) after hearing we came last in Eurovision but will get train into town late afternoon.

Yesterday David decided we would cycle route 33 to Gilleleje,

the most northerly town in Denmark, and back (54k altogether). First problem was that the morning was very grey and windy so we didn’t get going til after 1. Then we took the pic at the start of the route and got lost 15 seconds later. We did spot the marker at Gilleleje station 3 hours later but we made our own way there – and very nice it was too through forests and along the edge of

beautiful Lake Esrum past several family groups enjoying the sunny afternoon. We thought we heard Taz barking to go out so we caught the train back.

We’ve really enjoyed North Zealand and have spent the last couple of days on a great little campsite in Hillerod. Yesterday we went round Frederiksborg Castle. On the way at edge of the lake we passed the year 10 school kids celebrating end of formal lessons in spectacular form. Apparently their exams start Monday so they have the weekend to recover.

Castle has beautiful gardens open to everyone and the building has some great rooms but it houses the Danish Museum of National History which seems to mean row after row of potraits of olden days Danes. But there was an amazing display of photo portraits on top floor – if only we’d known we wouldn’t have tried to make sense of the other stuff. Think the photographer was Sif Meincke but the info was only in Danish.

Didn’t get any better with tea – I thought I’d bagged a bargain at the Supermarket, 2 bits of salmon in a thick pinkish (salmon pink actually) sauce for about £3.50. Unfortunately David couldn’t find any fish in the sauce when he went to barbeque it . No idea what it was and whether it needed cooking, Taz enjoyed it but the van wasn’t very fragrant in the night.

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